Monday, September 15, 2008

Maid's 1st Day

I'm heading to Manila next Sunday for two weeks.  I couldn't put it off any longer... I had to hire a maid and today is her first day.  Coincidently she is from the Philippines and her name is Enid.  I hope she does okay with the cooking, that's all I really care about.  It's a little weird having a maid but I'm pretty sure I will get used to it.  Micah mentioned that everyone at his school has a maid except for him... poor kid :-(

Micah has to do community work to earn credits for the International Baccalaureate program so he has volunteered to go to an orphanage next weekend.  I think he's doing pretty well in school.  He really likes his Humanities class... he likes to talk about current events and read Time magazine now.  I actually caught him working on a report about Vladimir Putin last week!

Mary started passing out her cards and Friday she spent a few hours at a friends house and then her friend came over to our place for a while.  Her friends name is Abiha (kind of sounds like "A Bee Hive" so there was a long misunderstood conversation about that after her friend called) anyway, she is still plugging away at gymnastics.  She has almost mastered a handstand which is pretty impressive since she still can't get the cartwheel.

I pulled out this picture (to the left) from yesterday's paper about a group of monks praying at one of the big temples.  I like the monks and the Thai's devotion to their religion.  You can't walk 100 yards in any direction without passing a shrine.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Micah's new religion and Mary's new rules

Last night Micah decided he wanted to look into Buddhism and asked if we could go meditate at a temple (Wat) next weekend. So I pulled out my "Buddhism Explained" book which seemed a bit complicated so I read him a few pages from Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth. Then we lit some candles, burned some incense and meditated for a few minutes.

We needed something to hold the incense so I went into Mary's room and borrowed an empty soda can from her soda can collection which prompted a minor outburst and a posting of rules for conduct in her bedroom, which follows:

1. Do not touch soda can collection
2. Do not fart
3. Do not eat in room