We went to a Halloween parade at the Embassy last Friday. The kids collected candy from all the offices on the first two floors and then had a party in the Cafeteria. After, the kids came home and did all their trick-or-treating in the building. Mary immediately sorted her candy out and packed it up in little boxes for the homeless. Now, you might think that is a very charitable impulse on her part but, in fact, she is developing a terrible phobia about getting fat.
On that note, Mr. Micah has been all about the Muay Thai Boxing this week. There is a Muay Thai boxing gym not far from our apartment so we signed up for 15 lessons. He really loves it and it is a great workout.
The kids have 3 ECA (Extra Curricular Activity) sessions throughout the year. The first session is ending and the next one will start up next week. Mary was in a singing group called Snap, Crackle, Pop and they are putting on a little concert Wednesday to wrap things up. For the next session, Micah will play basketball on Fridays and Mary will play board games on Wednesdays.
I will attend an Opera this evening at the Thai Cultural Center. I think there will also be some art viewing and music beforehand. I will bring my camera!
1 comment:
hey wish there was a bigger picture of micah and mary dressed up for halloween....sounds like they really had fun and micah boxing who knew??
have not heard from my favorite grandson via email
But I read stephan's entire section
all of it so please let me know
i really enjoyed it and wish i had his talent of writing and how he puts things in words. Momma i know
a whole lot more about bangkok from
stephan's writings this was very
interesting to say the least
i have had another set back and back on steroids again i now weigh
235 but im writing down everything i eat and trying to watch all portion controls but seem to be retaining some fluids..i love you all grandma nellie
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